This roadmap journey was developed by a seasoned leadership team who worked to plan workshops, gather information & insight, and distill the received data into this report. We are so grateful for the many stakeholders who participated in the workshops, provided feedback & information and shared vast collective knowledge in order to add strength and validity to this roadmap.
Roadmap Leadership Team
Alina Alexeenko
Director, LyoHUB
Professor of Aeronautics & Astronautics and Professor of Chemical Engineering, Purdue University
Steve Nail
Retired Principle Scientist, Baxter Biopharma Adjunct Professor, Purdue University
Serguei Tchessalov
Research Fellow, Pfizer
Jennifer Gray
Senior Operations Manager, Purdue University
Steve Shade
Ball Brothers Director of Advanced Manufacturing Initiatives, Purdue University
Elizabeth Topp
Director, Young Institute of Advanced Manufacturing of Pharmaceuticals, Purdue University
Researcher at the National Institute for Bioprocessing Research & Training, Dublin, Ireland
Eric Munson
Dane O. Kildsig Chair and Department Head,
Department of Industrial and Molecular Pharmaceutics
Purdue University
Andrew Strongrich
CEO, LyoWave